Phased retirement: why it can be a win-win for both employers and employees

"If a large number of employees take early retirement within a short space of time, an organisation could face succession planning issues. It might also have to spend significant sums on recruitment to replace key staff members who have left. A phased retirement programme can be a good way for organisations to retain the skills and talents of their older workers, while giving them greater flexibility around how they use their time."

What is phased retirement?

"Phased retirement allows employees who are approaching retirement age to reduce their work hours gradually, over a number of months or years. This might involve the employee moving from full-time to part-time employment, taking on a job-sharing role, working a seasonal or interim basis, or changing their working pattern in some other way."

Phased retirement: why it can be a win-win for both employers and employees.
Close Brothers Asset Management


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